HPC Lab - Software - BiBench

Source code for bibench.algorithms.bbc

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###    |  _ \| |  _ \ / _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \                      ###
###    | |_) | | |_) |  __/ | | | (__| | | |                     ###
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### This file is part of the BiBench package for biclustering    ###
### analysis.                                                    ###
###                                                              ###
### Copyright (c) 2011 by:                                       ###
###   * Kemal Eren,                                              ###
###   * Mehmet Deveci,                                           ###
###   * Umit V. Catalyurek                                       ###
###                                                              ###
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### For license info, please see the README and LICENSE files    ###
### in the main directory.                                       ###
###                                                              ###

Bayesian BiClustering (BBC) algorithm. Uses Gibbs sampling to find
biclusters fitting the Bayesian biclustering model.

from bibench.algorithms.wrapper import \
    wrapper_helper, WrapperException
from bibench.bicluster import \
    Bicluster, BiclusterList, bicluster_algorithm
from bibench.datasets.io import write_expression_data
import numpy
import os
import subprocess


[docs]def bbc(data, nclus, norm_method='none', alpha=None): """ Wrapper to the BBC binary. If 'nclus' is a list of integers, tries to determine the number of clusters in the dataset by performing multiple clusterings and choosing the one with the best BIC. sqrn sometimes causes a divide by zero if the data is too uniform. Args: * data: numpy.array; input data. * nclus: number of biclusters to find. Either an integer or a list. * norm_method: one of 'none', 'csn', 'rsn', 'irqn', 'sqrn'. * alpha: alpha% quartile used for IRQN or SQRN normalization. Returns: BiclusterList """ """ """ kwargs = locals() try: results = [_bbc_(**dict(kwargs.items() + dict(nclus=k).items())) for k in nclus] idx = numpy.argmin([r.properties['bic'] for r in results]) return results[idx] except TypeError: return _bbc_(**kwargs)
@bicluster_algorithm def _bbc_(data, nclus, norm_method='none', alpha=None): kwargs = locals() assert norm_method in ['none', 'csn', 'rsn', 'iqrn', 'sqrn'] if norm_method in ['iqrn', 'sqrn'] and alpha is None: raise WrapperException( "normalization method '{0}' requires alpha".format(norm_method)) if not norm_method in ['iqrn', 'sqrn'] and alpha is not None: raise WrapperException( "alpha only used in quartile normalization: 'irqn' or 'sqrn'") result = wrapper_helper(BINARY, _write_dataset_, _read_results_, _do_call_, **kwargs) try: biclusters, props = result return BiclusterList(biclusters, properties=props) except ValueError: return BiclusterList([]) def _do_call_(data, datafile, results_dir, **kwargs): resultfile = os.path.join(results_dir, 'results.txt') command = "{binary} -i {0}" \ " -k {nclus}" \ " -o {1}" \ " -n {norm_method}".format(datafile, resultfile, binary=BINARY, **kwargs) if kwargs['alpha'] is not None: command += " -r {alpha}".format(**kwargs) subprocess.check_call(command.split()) def _write_dataset_(data, filename): write_expression_data(data, filename, sep='\t') def _read_result_file_(filename, data): biclusters = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: rows = [] cols = [] header = f.readline().split() properties = dict(nstable = int(header[5]), likelihood = float(header[7]), nparams = int(float(header[11])), bic = float(header[13])) target = rows for line in f: if line[0:9] == "bicluster": if not line[9] == '1': #make sure we've read one biclustert biclusters.append(Bicluster(rows, cols, data=data)) rows = [] cols = [] f.next() continue elif line[0:3] == "row": target = rows continue elif line[0:3] == "col": target = cols continue else: v = int(line.split()[0]) - 1 target.append(v) #ensure we get last bicluster. biclusters.append(Bicluster(rows, cols, data=data)) return biclusters, properties def _read_results_(results_dir, data): files = os.listdir(results_dir) assert len(files) is 1 return _read_result_file_(os.path.join(results_dir, files[0]), data)