HPC Lab - Software - BiBench

Source code for bibench.algorithms.qubic

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###    |  _ \| |  _ \ / _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \                      ###
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### This file is part of the BiBench package for biclustering    ###
### analysis.                                                    ###
###                                                              ###
### Copyright (c) 2011 by:                                       ###
###   * Kemal Eren,                                              ###
###   * Mehmet Deveci,                                           ###
###   * Umit V. Catalyurek                                       ###
###                                                              ###
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### For license info, please see the README and LICENSE files    ###
### in the main directory.                                       ###
###                                                              ###

QUalitative BIClustering algorithm. Efficient algorithm for finding biclusters
with scaling patterns.
from bibench.algorithms.wrapper import wrapper_helper
from bibench.bicluster import \
    Bicluster, BiclusterList, bicluster_algorithm
from bibench import util

import os.path
import re
import subprocess

number_regex = re.compile('[0-9]+')

BINARY = 'qubic'

[docs]def qubic(data, nblocks=100, quantile=0.06, ranks=1, discrete=False, filtering=True, min_col_width=2, consistency_level=0.95): """ QUBIC biclustering algorithm Args: * data: numpy.ndarray. * nblocks: Number of biclusters to report. * quantile: Quantile to use for discretization. * ranks: Number of ranks in discrete data. * discrete: True if the data is already discrete. * filtering: Whether to filter overlapping biclusters. * min_col_width: Minimum number of columns in a bicluster. * consistency_level: the minimum ratio between the number of identical valid symbols in a column and the total number of rows in the output Returns: A list of biclusters. """ kwargs = locals() kwargs['filtering'] = 0 if filtering else 1 return wrapper_helper(BINARY, _write_dataset_, _read_results_, _do_call_, **kwargs)
def _do_call_(data, datafile, results_dir, **kwargs): command = "{binary} -i {0}" \ " -q {quantile}" \ " -r {ranks}" \ " -f {filtering}" \ " -k {min_col_width}" \ " -c {consistency_level}" \ " -o {nblocks}".format(datafile, binary=BINARY, **kwargs) if kwargs['discrete']: command += ' -d' subprocess.check_call(command.split()) def _write_dataset_(data, filename): nrows, ncols = data.shape with open(filename, 'w') as f: #write first line line = ['o'] line.extend(map(lambda x: 'cond{0}'.format(x), range(ncols))) f.write('\t'.join(line)) f.write('\n') #write gene lines for i, line in enumerate(data): f.write('gene{0}\t'.format(i)) f.write('\t'.join(map(str, line))) f.write('\n') def _get_expected_(string, regex): matches = re.search(regex, string) number = number_regex.search(matches.group()).group() return int(number) def _get_regex_(string_to_match): return re.compile('{0} \[[0-9]+\]:'.format(string_to_match), flags=re.MULTILINE) _gene_regex_ = _get_regex_("Genes") _cond_regex_ = _get_regex_("Conds") def _parse_bicluster_(string, gene_dict, cond_dict, data): expected_ngenes = _get_expected_(string, _gene_regex_) expected_nconds = _get_expected_(string, _cond_regex_) #split after the gene part after_genes = re.split(_gene_regex_, string)[1] #split into genes and conditions gene_lines, cond_lines = re.split(_cond_regex_, after_genes) cond_lines = cond_lines.split('\n')[0] rows = _handle_gene_lines_(gene_lines, gene_dict) cols = _handle_cond_lines_(cond_lines, cond_dict) assert len(rows) == expected_ngenes assert len(cols) == expected_nconds return Bicluster(rows, cols, data) def _handle_gene_lines_( string, name_dict): return [name_dict[name] for name in string.split()] def _handle_cond_lines_(string, name_dict): return [name_dict[name] for name in string.split()] def _get_names_(results_dir): #map gene and condition names to rows/columns datafile = os.path.join(results_dir, 'data.txt') with open(datafile) as f: first = f.readline() rest = f.read() cond_names = first.split()[1:] gene_names = [line.split()[0] for line in rest.split('\n') if line is not ''] gene_dict = util.make_index_map(gene_names) cond_dict = util.make_index_map(cond_names) return gene_dict, cond_dict def _read_results_(results_dir, data): results_dir = os.path.split(results_dir)[0] filename = os.path.join(results_dir, 'data.txt.blocks') with open(filename, 'r') as f: result_string = f.read() gene_dict, cond_dict = _get_names_(results_dir) start_regex = re.compile('^BC[0-9]+\s*S=[0-9]+$', flags=re.MULTILINE) bicluster_strings = re.split(start_regex, result_string)[1:] biclusters = [_parse_bicluster_(string, gene_dict, cond_dict, data) for string in bicluster_strings] return biclusters