HPC Lab - Software - BiBench

Source code for bibench.bicluster

###     ____  _ ____                  _                          ###
###    | __ )(_) __ )  ___ _ __   ___| |__                       ###
###    |  _ \| |  _ \ / _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \                      ###
###    | |_) | | |_) |  __/ | | | (__| | | |                     ###
###    |____/|_|____/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|                     ###
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###                                                              ###
### This file is part of the BiBench package for biclustering    ###
### analysis.                                                    ###
###                                                              ###
### Copyright (c) 2011 by:                                       ###
###   * Kemal Eren,                                              ###
###   * Mehmet Deveci,                                           ###
###   * Umit V. Catalyurek                                       ###
###                                                              ###
###                                                              ###
### For license info, please see the README and LICENSE files    ###
### in the main directory.                                       ###
###                                                              ###

Classes for represting biclusters, and some utility functions for dealing with
common bicluster tasks, like IO.

from __future__ import division

import copy
from bibench import util
import numpy as np
import inspect
from decorator import decorator

def _get_data_(data1, data2):
    if id(data1) == id(data2):
        return data1
    return None

    biclusters.args = kwargs

def _merge_dicts_(a, b):
    return dict(a.items() + b.items())

def _get_args_dict_(f, args, kwargs):
    argspec = inspect.getargspec(f)
    firstdefault = -len(argspec.defaults)

    required = argspec.args[:firstdefault]
    optional = argspec.args[firstdefault:]

    req_dict = dict(zip(required, args[:firstdefault]))
    opt_dict = dict(zip(optional, argspec.defaults))

    given_opt_dict = dict(zip(optional[:len(args) - len(required)], args[firstdefault:]))
    final_opt_dict = dict(opt_dict.items() + given_opt_dict.items())

    return dict(req_dict.items() + final_opt_dict.items())

[docs]def bicluster_algorithm(f, *args, **kwargs): """ Decorator to automatically set 'alg' and 'args' attribute of results of a biclustering algorithm. """ result = f(*args, **kwargs) props = None if hasattr(result, 'properties'): props = result.properties args_dict = _get_args_dict_(f, args, kwargs) fname = '.'.join([f.__module__, f.__name__]) biclusters = BiclusterList(result, fname, args_dict, props) return biclusters
[docs]class BiclusterList(list): """ A list of biclusters with three extra attributes: * alg: the algorithm that generated these biclusters * args: the arguments to 'alg' * properties: properties, such as likelihood, of this clustering, if any. """ def __init__(self, itr, algorithm=None, arguments=None, properties=None): list.__init__(self,itr) self.algorithm = algorithm self.arguments = arguments self.properties = properties
[docs]class Bicluster: """A class for representing biclusters.""" def __init__(self, rows, cols, data=None): """ Args: * rows: A list of ints; the row indices that make up this bicluster. * cols: A list of ints; column indices that make up this bicluster. * data: An numpy.ndarray. Dataset on which this bicluster is defined. Required by some methods. Returns: A Bicluster instance. """ self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.data = data def __eq__(self, other): """ Test two biclusters for equality. Two biclusters are equal if the have the same rows and columns, and they have the same object as their data member. It is not enough that their data be equal; it must be the same object. Args: * other: A bicluster to compare. """ return set(self.rows) == set(other.rows) and \ set(self.cols) == set(other.cols) and \ id(self.data) == id(other.data)
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a deep copy of this instance.""" other = Bicluster(copy.copy(self.rows), copy.copy(self.cols), self.data) return other
[docs] def array(self, rows=None, cols=None): """ Get a numpy array bicluster from data, using the indices in bic_indices. Note: requires that this Bicluster's data member is not None. Args: * rows: the row indices to use; defaults to this bicluster's rows. * cols: the column indices; defaults to this bicuster's columns. """ if not self.data is None: if rows is None: rows = self.rows if cols is None: cols = self.cols array = self.data.take(rows, axis=0).take(list(cols), axis=1) return array
[docs] def filter_rows(self): """ Returns the dataset with only the rows from this bicluster. Note: requires that this Bicluster's data member is not None. """ return self.array(cols=np.arange(self.data.shape[1]))
[docs] def filter_cols(self): """ Returns the dataset with only the columns from this bicluster. Note: requires that this Bicluster's data member is not None. """ return self.array(rows=np.arange(self.data.shape[0]))
[docs] def intersection(self, other): """ Returns a new bicluster with common rows and columns. Args: * other: a Bicluster Returns: A Bicluster instance, with rows and columns common to both self and other. If other and self have the same data attribute, the returned Bicluster also has it; else its data attribute is None. """ rows = set(self.rows).intersection(set(other.rows)) cols = set(self.cols).intersection(set(other.cols)) return Bicluster(rows, cols, _get_data_(self.data, other.data))
[docs] def union(self, other): """ Returns a new bicluster with union of rows and columns. Args: * other: a Bicluster Returns: A Bicluster instance with all rows and columns from both self and other. If other and self have the same data attribute, the returned Bicluster also has it; else its data attribute is None. """ rows = set(self.rows).union(set(other.rows)) cols = set(self.cols).union(set(other.cols)) return Bicluster(rows, cols, _get_data_(self.data, other.data))
[docs] def symmetric_difference(self, other): """ Returns a new bicluster with only unique rows and columns, i.e. the inverse of the intersection. Args: * other: a Bicluster Returns: A Bicluster instance with all rows and columns unique to either self or other. If other and self have the same data attribute, the returned Bicluster also has it; else its data attribute is None. """ rows = set(self.rows).symmetric_difference(set(other.rows)) cols = set(self.cols).symmetric_difference(set(other.cols)) return Bicluster(rows, cols, _get_data_(self.data, other.data))
[docs] def difference(self, other): """ Returns the difference of two biclusters. Args: * other: a Bicluster Returns: A Bicluster instance with self's rows and columns, but not other's. If other and self have the same data attribute, the returned Bicluster also has it; else its data attribute is None. """ rows = set(self.rows).difference(set(other.rows)) cols = set(self.cols).difference(set(other.cols)) return Bicluster(rows, cols)
[docs] def issubset(self, other): """ Returns True if self's rows and columns are both subsets of other's; else False. """ return (set(self.rows).issubset(set(other.rows)) and set(self.cols).issubset(set(other.cols)))
[docs] def shape(self): """Returns the number of rows and columns in this bicluster.""" return len(self.rows), len(self.cols)
[docs] def area(self): """Returns the number of elements in this bicluster.""" return len(self.rows) * len(self.cols)
[docs] def overlap(self, other): """Returns the ratio of the overlap area to self's total size.""" return self.intersection(other).area() / self.area()
def __repr__(self): return "Bicluster({0}, {1})".format(repr(self.rows), repr(self.cols))
[docs]def filter(biclusters, minrows=2, mincols=2, max_overlap=1.0, remove_subsets=True, datashape=None): """ Removes duplicates, small biclusters, overlapping biclusters, and biclusters that are as large as the dataset from a list. Args: * biclusters: a list of biclusters to filter. * min_rows: the minimum allowed number of rows. * min_cols: the minimum allowed number of columns. * max_overlap: the maximum allowed % overlap between any two clusters; a float between 0 and 1. * remove_subsets: filter out biclusters that are subsets of existing biclusters. * data: use if bicluster.data is None. Returns: A sublist of the given biclusters. """ assert minrows > 0 and mincols > 0 assert max_overlap >= 0 and max_overlap <= 1 if datashape is not None: nrows, ncols = datashape else: assert np.all([b.data is not None for b in biclusters]) assert len(set([b.data.shape for b in biclusters])) == 1 nrows, ncols = biclusters[0].data.shape #remove empty biclusters and biclusters as big as the dataset biclusters = [b for b in biclusters if len(b.rows) > minrows and len(b.cols) > mincols and (len(b.rows) < nrows or len(b.cols) < ncols)] biclusters = sorted(biclusters, cmp = lambda x, y: cmp(x.area(), y.area()), reverse=True) def keep(b, accepted): for a in accepted: if b == a or b.overlap(a) > max_overlap or (remove_subsets and b.issubset(a)): return False return True accepted = [] for b in biclusters: if keep(b, accepted): accepted.append(b) return accepted
[docs]def write_biclusters(biclusters, filename): """ Write biclusters to an output file. Uses the format: <rows> <cols> seperated by empty lines. Args: * biclusters: the list of biclusters that will be written to the file * filename: a string containing the output file name. """ with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: for bicluster in biclusters: outfile.write(' '.join([str(r) for r in bicluster.rows])) outfile.write("\n") outfile.write(' '.join([str(c) for c in bicluster.cols])) outfile.write("\n") outfile.write("\n") outfile.close()
[docs]def read_biclusters(filename): """Reads the bicluster from a file writtin by write_biclusters(). Args: * filename: a string. """ biclusters = [] with open(filename) as infile: for str_rows, str_cols, newline in util.grouper(infile, 3): if str_rows is None or str_cols is None or newline is None: continue str_rows, str_cols = str_rows.split(), str_cols.split() if str_rows == [] or str_cols == []: continue rows = map(int, str_rows) cols = map(int, str_cols) biclusters.append(Bicluster(rows, cols)) return biclusters
[docs]def get_row_col_matrices(biclusters): """ Returns the row x number and col x number matrices for the given set of biclusters. Requires that 'data' member be set and equal for all biclusters. Args: * biclusters: a list of Bicluster instances. Returns: The tuple (rowmatrix, colmatrix), where rowmatrix has dimensions m by len(biclusters) and colmatrix has dimensions n by len(biclusters), where the dataset has m rows and n columns. Element rowmatrix[x, y] is 1 if row x is in bicluster y, else it is zero. Element colmatrix[x, y] is 1 if column x is in bicluster y, else zero. """ data = biclusters[0].data assert not data is None assert(all([id(b.data) == id(data) for b in biclusters])) nrows, ncols = data.shape nbiclusters = len(biclusters) assert max([max(b.rows) for b in biclusters]) < nrows assert max([max(b.cols) for b in biclusters]) < ncols RowXNumber = np.zeros((nrows, nbiclusters), dtype=np.bool8) ColXNumber = np.zeros((ncols, nbiclusters), dtype=np.bool8) for bindex, bicluster in enumerate(biclusters): for r in bicluster.rows: RowXNumber[r, bindex] = True for c in bicluster.cols: ColXNumber[c, bindex] = True return RowXNumber, ColXNumber