### ____ _ ____ _ ###
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### |____/|_|____/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_| ###
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### ###
### This file is part of the BiBench package for biclustering ###
### analysis. ###
### ###
### Copyright (c) 2011 by: ###
### * Kemal Eren, ###
### * Mehmet Deveci, ###
### * Umit V. Catalyurek ###
### ###
### ###
### For license info, please see the README and LICENSE files ###
### in the main directory. ###
### ###
Metrics for evaluating biclusters and sets of biclusters.
from __future__ import division
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import math
[docs]class ExternalError(Exception):
[docs]class EmptyList(ExternalError):
ListScore = namedtuple('ListScore', 'relevance recovery')
#utilities for union/intersection/difference of areas
#note: different from area of union/intersection/difference
def _union_area_(bic1, bic2):
Returns the area of the element-wise union of biclusters.
Note: this is different from bic1.union(bic2).area()
* bic1: Bicluster instance
* bic2: Bicluster instance
area1 = bic1.area()
area2 = bic2.area()
intersection_area = bic1.intersection(bic2).area()
return area1 + area2 - intersection_area
def _intersection_area_(bic1, bic2):
Returns the area of the element-wise intersection of biclusters.
* bic1: Bicluster instance
* bic2: Bicluster instance
return bic1.intersection(bic2).area()
def _difference_area_(bic1, bic2):
Returns the element-wise area of bic1 - bic2
Note: this is different from bic1.difference(bic2).area()
* bic1: Bicluster instance
* bic2: Bicluster instance
return bic1.area() - bic1.intersection(bic2).area()
def _area_is_nonzero_(bicluster):
Raise an exception if bicluster's area is zero, because we need to
divide by it.
* bicluster: Bicluster instance
if bicluster.area() == 0:
nrows, ncols = len(bicluster.rows), len(bicluster.cols)
msg = 'bicluster is ill defined:' \
'{0} rows and {1} columns'.format(nrows, ncols)
raise ExternalError(msg)
### code for comparing individual biclusters ###
[docs]def recovery(expected, found):
The proportion of true positives found.
.. math:: \frac{|e \cap f|}{|e|}
* expected: Bicluster.
* found: Bicluster.
return _intersection_area_(expected, found) / expected.area()
[docs]def relevance(expected, found, nelts=None):
The proportion of true negatives to all negatives.
.. math:: \frac{n - |e \cup f|}{n - |e|}
* expected: Bicluster
* found: Bicluster
* nelts: the number of elements in the data matrix. This
parameter can be ommitted if ``expected`` and ``found``
have their .data attribute set.
if nelts is None:
assert expected.data is not None #because we need to know negatives
assert type(expected.data) == np.ndarray
nelts = expected.data.size
true_negs = nelts - _union_area_(expected, found)
all_negs = nelts - expected.area()
return true_negs / all_negs
[docs]def modified_relevance(expected, found):
The proportion of 'expected' retrieved in 'found'.
Note that the one-way relevance is not true relevance: it is the
intersection divided by the size of 'found'.
One way relevance:
.. math:: \frac{|e \cap f|}{|f|}
* expected: Bicluster
* found: Bicluster
return _intersection_area_(expected, found) / found.area()
[docs]def f_measure(expected, found, beta=1, modified=True):
Calculates the f_measure score of a result of an algorithm with
the expected biclusters that are embedded to the dataset. Uses
relevance and recovery scores, and takes the harmonic mean of
them. In the harmonic mean formula, relevance score is scaled
with the square of beta as in the following formula:
.. math:: (1 + \beta^2) * (spec * sens) / (\beta^2 * spec + sens)
* expected: Bicluster.
* found: Bicluster.
* beta: scale factor in the formula of f_measure.
if modified:
spec = modified_relevance(expected, found)
spec = relevance(expected, found)
sens = recovery(expected, found)
if spec == sens == 0: return 0
return (1 + beta**2) * (spec * sens) / (beta**2 * spec + sens)
[docs]def row_jaccard(expected, found):
The Jaccard coefficient of rows only.
As used by Prelic - intersection_of_rows / union_of_rows
* expected: Bicluster
* found: Bicluster
intsn = expected.intersection(found)
union = expected.union(found)
if len(union.rows) == 0:
return 0
return len(intsn.rows) / len(union.rows)
[docs]def jaccard(expected, found):
Jaccard coefficient of bicluster area.
.. math:: \frac{|e \cap f|}{|e \cup f|}
* expected: Bicluster
* found: Bicluster
return _intersection_area_(expected, found) / _union_area_(expected, found)
### code for comparing lists of biclusters ###
def _check_list_(blist):
Checks if any of the expected or found bicluster lists are empty.
* blist: List of biclusters.
if len(blist) == 0:
raise EmptyList('list of biclusters is empty')
def _asym_scores_(expected, found, rel_f, rec_f, comp=max):
Calculates both the relevance and the recovery scores of the
algorithm result. Each bicluster score is computed according to
the measure function. The overall score is computed as the mean
of the best scores for each bicluster.
.. math::
Recovery = \sum_{e \in expected} max_{f \in found} rec\_f(e, f)
Relevance = \sum_{f \in found} max_{e \in expected} rec\_f(e, f)
* expected: List of target biclusters.
* found: List of recovered biclusters.
* rel_f: Function for calculating relevance.
* rec_f: Function for calculating recovery.
* comp: Either max() or min(), depending on whether rel_f and
rec_f should be maximised or minimized.
Returns: (recovery, relevance) tuple.
return ListScore(recovery=np.mean([comp([rec_f(e, f)
for f in found])
for e in expected]),
relevance=np.mean([comp([rel_f(e, f)
for e in expected])
for f in found]))
def _sym_scores_(expected, found, f, comp=max):
Same as _asym_scores_, but f is symmetric, and so the order of the
bicluster arguments does not matter.
* f: a function taking two biclusters and returning a score
return _asym_scores_(expected, found, f, f)
[docs]def prelic_list(expected, found):
Calculates both the relevance and the recovery scores of the
algorithm result according to Prelics row jaccard score.
* expected: list of target biclusters
* found: list of biclusters for comparison
f = row_jaccard
return _sym_scores_(expected, found, f)
[docs]def f_measure_list(expected, found, beta=1, modified=True):
Calculates both the relevance and the recovery scores of the
algorithm result according to f_measure score with the given beta
.. math::
Recovery = \sum_{e \in expected} max_{f \in found} fmeasure(e, f)
Relevance = \sum_{f \in found} max_{e \in expected} fmeasure(e, f)
* expected: list of target biclusters
* found: list of biclusters for comparison
* beta: scale factor in the formula of f_measure.
f = lambda x, y: f_measure(x, y, beta=beta, modified=modified)
return _sym_scores_(expected, found, f)
[docs]def jaccard_list(expected, found):
Recovery and relevance scores of a set of biclusters using Jaccard
.. math::
Recovery = \sum_{e \in expected} max_{f \in found} \frac{|e \cap f|}{|e \cup f|}
Relevance = \sum_{f \in found} max_{e \in expected} \frac{|e \cap f|}{|e \cup f|}
* expected: list of target biclusters
* found: list of biclusters for comparison
f = jaccard
return _sym_scores_(expected, found, f)
[docs]def recovery_relevance_list(expected, found, modified=True):
N.B.: The f-measure calculated as the harmonic mean of the
recovery and relevance scores returned by this function is
*different* from the f_measure_list function.
.. math::
Recovery = \sum_{e \in expected} max_{f \in found} \frac{|e \cap f|}{|e|}
Relevance = \sum_{f \in found} max_{e \in expected} \frac{|e \cap f|}{|f|}
* expected: list of target biclusters
* found: list of biclusters for comparison
return _asym_scores_(expected, found, modified_relevance, recovery)
[docs]def ecludian_distance(vector1, vector2):
Returns the euclidian distance of the two vectors.
Raises if the lengths of the vectors are not equal.
* vector1: 1-Dimensional list (vector)
* vector1: 1-Dimensional list (vector)
l1 = len(vector1)
l2 = len(vector2)
if (l1 != l2):
print "Given vectors to ecludian_distance function does not have equal length."
elif l1 == 0:
print "Given vectors to ecludian_distance function have 0 length."
d = 0
l = len(vector1)
for i in range(l):
f = vector1[i] - vector2[i]
d += f * f
return math.pow(d, 1/float(l1))
[docs]def calculate_distance_matrix(datamatrix, distance_function):
Returns a matrix, Prows, that contains the information about proximity between rows.
* datamatrix: 2-Dimensional np array representing dataset.
* distance_function: Function that calculates the distance between 2 vectors. For example ecludian_distance function.
l = datamatrix.shape[0]
Prows = np.zeros([l,l])
for ri in range(l):
for rj in range(ri+1, l):
d = distance_function(datamatrix[ri], datamatrix[rj])
Prows[ri][rj] = d
Prows[rj][ri] = d
Prows[ri][ri] = 0
return Prows
[docs]def get_distance_matrices(datamatrix, distance_function):
Returns two matrices, Prows and Pcols, that contain the information about proximity between rows and columns respectively.
* datamatrix: 2-Dimensional np array representing dataset.
* distance_function: Function that calculates the distance between 2 vectors. For example ecludian_distance function.
Prows = calculate_distance_matrix(datamatrix, distance_function)
Pcols = calculate_distance_matrix(datamatrix.transpose(), distance_function)
return Prows, Pcols
[docs]def row_pair_count(i, j, bicluster_set):
Returns the count of biclusters where the row_i and row_j appear together
* i: First row index, starting from 0.
* j: Second row index, starting from 0.
* bicluster_set: List of bicluster instaces. The list of found biclusters in the datamatrix.
cnt = 0
for bic in bicluster_set:
if (i in bic.rows) and (j in bic.rows):
cnt += 1
return cnt
[docs]def col_pair_count(i, j, bicluster_set):
Returns the count of biclusters where the col_i and col_j appear together
* i: First col index, starting from 0.
* j: Second col index, starting from 0.
* bicluster_set: List of bicluster instaces. The list of found biclusters in the datamatrix.
cnt = 0
for bic in bicluster_set:
if (i in bic.cols) and (j in bic.cols):
cnt += 1
return cnt
[docs]def calculate_bicluster_group_matrix(datamatrix, bicluster_set):
Returns two matrices,Crow and Ccol, that contain the information about how many times two pair of rows (and columns) are clustered together in the biclustering result.
That is C_ij = 1/ (1+k), where k is the number of biclusters that row_i and row_j (col_i and col_j) appear together.
* datamatrix: 2-Dimensional np array representing dataset.
* bicluster_set: List of bicluster instaces. The list of found biclusters in the datamatrix.
l = datamatrix.shape[0]
Crow = np.zeros([l,l])
for ri in range(l):
for rj in range(ri+1, l):
k = row_pair_count(ri, rj, bicluster_set)
res = 1 / (1.0 + k)
Crow[ri][rj] = res
Crow[rj][ri] = res
Crow[ri][ri] = 0
colM = datamatrix.transpose()
l = colM.shape[0]
Ccol = np.zeros([l,l])
for ri in range(l):
for rj in range(ri+1, l):
k = col_pair_count(ri, rj, bicluster_set)
res = 1 / (1.0 + k)
Ccol[ri][rj] = res
Ccol[rj][ri] = res
Ccol[ri][ri] = 0
return Crow, Ccol
[docs]def get_upperHalf(C):
Returns a single dimensional array containing the values at upper half of the matrix C.
* C: 2-Dimensional square np array. Simply result of calculate_bicluster_group_matrix function.
res = []
l = C.shape[0]
for ri in range(l):
for rj in range(ri+1, l):
res.append( C[ri][rj])
return res
[docs]def hubert_statistics(P,C):
Returns a score that is calculated using internal indices. Uses hubert_statistics explained in R. Santamaria et. al 2007.
* P: 2-Dimensional squared np array. A result of get_distance_matrices function.
* C: 2-Dimensional square np array. A result of calculate_bicluster_group_matrix function.
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
l = P.shape[0]
Pupper = get_upperHalf(P)
Cupper = get_upperHalf(C)
Mp = np.mean(Pupper)
Mc = np.mean(Cupper)
squared_variance_p = math.sqrt(np.var(Pupper))
squared_variance_c = math.sqrt(np.var(Cupper))
score = 0
for ri in range(l):
for rj in range(ri+1, l):
score += (P[ri][rj] - Mp) * (C[ri][rj] - Mc)
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
if score == 0:
return 0
score /= l * (l-1) / 2.0
score /= (squared_variance_p * squared_variance_c)
return score
[docs]def internal_index_score(datamatrix, bicluster_set):
Returns the weighted hubert_statistics scores of 2 scores calculated for columns and rows.(R. Santamaria et. al 2007 section 3.3)
* datamatrix: 2-Dimensional np array representing dataset.
* bicluster_set: List of bicluster instaces. The list of found biclusters in the datamatrix.
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
Prows, Pcols = get_distance_matrices(datamatrix,ecludian_distance)
Crows, Ccols = calculate_bicluster_group_matrix(datamatrix, bicluster_set)
row_score = hubert_statistics(Prows, Crows)
col_score = hubert_statistics(Pcols, Ccols)
row_cnt = datamatrix.shape[0]
col_cnt = datamatrix.shape[1]
internal_score = (row_score * row_cnt + col_score * col_cnt) / (row_cnt + col_cnt)
return internal_score