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include/twod/her_jag_2d.hpp File Reference

2d Heuristic Jagged paritioning algorithm More...

#include <util/prefix_sum_tools.hpp>
#include <util/rect_list.hpp>
#include <twod/part_base.hpp>
#include <oned/nicol_plus.hpp>
#include <util/transpose2d.hpp>
#include <twod/her_jag_2d_impl.hpp>

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Detailed Description

2d Heuristic Jagged paritioning algorithm

erdeniz <>
Mon Jun 14 06:11:04 2010


class  twod::JagPQHeurHor< T, Pr, onedalgoY, onedalgoX >
 implements a PxQ jagged partitioning heuristic using the first dimension as main dimension. More...
class  twod::JagPQHeurVer< T, Pr, onedalgoY, onedalgoX >
 implements a PxQ jagged partitioning heuristic using the second dimension as main dimension. More...
class  twod::JagPQHeurBest< T, Pr >
 implements a PxQ jagged partitioning heuristic taking as the main dimension the one that leads to the best load balance. More...


namespace  twod

This namespace provides two dimensional algorithms.

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