BiBench is a Python library designed to simplify biclustering
tasks. It provides the following features:
Typical usage often looks like this:
> import bibench.all as bb # import most commonly used functions > data = bb.get_gds_data('GDS181') # download gene expression dataset GDS181 > data = bb.pca_impute(data) # impute missing values > biclusters = bb.plaid(data) # cluster with Plaid algorithm > bb.enrichment(biclusters[0], # Gene Ontology enrichment analysis data.annotation, data.genes)
BiBench is available as an distutils package: BiBench-0.2.tar.gz BiBench-0.2: Updates to make the library compatible with newer versions of rpy2 (December 28, 2014).
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If you have comments or questions, or if you would like to contribute to BiBench, please send us an email: